Friday 13 December 2013

Weinacht Stollen

While we are talking about all the things we love at Christmas,I must mention to you the one other delicious loaf of cake/bread that finds it's way to my table every December...I know it by it's German name, Weinacht Stollen...It's a loaf of bread made for winter filled with dried fruit and help keep up your energy in the cold winter months...over time it became traditional food to be savoured during the Christmas families order it well in advance to send it to loved ones all over the world and also to fill their own larder in the festival season !
The process of making Stollen
If ever you want to make it....this seems to be the best recipe !

However,if you are like me,very content to have it brought to know what to ask for when someone is visiting from Germany during Christmas or if you happen to be travelling in that area yourself ! Do bring back home, a loaf of Stollen,you will love it !!!
The remaining bit of Stollen in my home
My family and I love the delicious flavour of spices and orange and the coating of confectioner's sugar,that hits the perfect sweet note at the's great for breakfast or in the evening with a cup of hot coffee...that's how I was taught to eat it and it's perfect for this cold December weather !!! Thank goodness there are lots of people in the family to share it with or I might end up eating a great deal more than what I should !!!!
Why don't you ask your nearest baker if he/she can make you one of these delightful never know...they just might grant your wish !!!! Cheers ! will let me know if they do won't you ?!!...after all ,it's the fair thing to do.... ;)))

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