Thursday 19 December 2013

Sweet Salt Air

It recently occurred to me that being a voracious reader since childhood also shaped my interest in food and flavours ,a great deal . As I mentioned right at the onset,from the Enid Blytons, began my exposure of learning to describe food in a manner that pleasured all senses ! So next to discovering flavours ,cooking for loved ones and blogging about my food experiences,a close second ,comes indeed fiction woven around food...especially if it is a romantic novel set in an exotic location...Ahhh !!!!...what more could one want but a hammock beneath swaying palms,a cool breeze and maybe a spot of nourishment !

I happened to chance upon this book while in transit at an airport recently and I was intrigued with the synopsis at the back of the cover,if it would live up to it's tall proclamations !?!! It did indeed ,which is why I'm writing away furiously,to share it with you.

That I should chance upon a story of a food blogger, at this point in time ,I found it a charming co-incidence and enjoyed reading it a lot more than I would have,before I started Pink Lemon Tree ! It does have a lot of romance as most of her books but in the midst of all the herbs and the talk of recipes and flavours...I really wished it would never end ! So...if you share my passion for books and food tales,take a peek at........
 SWEET SALT AIR...I'm sure you won't be disappointed !

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