Friday 30 August 2013

Salad trivia

PLT is Pink Lemon Tree...a very special person who lives across the seas requested for some quick salad recipes and i'm happy to oblige because the salads i make are super easy and quick quick ! So,do try the PLT salads...and do add your suggestions/recommendations please !

The one thing that i must stress on while adding raw onion is to add it at the very end,as cut onions have the properties to draw in bacteria from the air and can make you sick,very often it's the onion and not anything else that leads to an upset tummy or in worst cases food poisoning....or you could try the alternative and do as some members of my family and few special friends do...and that is to avoid the 'offensive' (to some ;D) vegetable dunking in lime juice is a great way to use in salads or use it just before you eat !

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Chithi! Thank you so much! I'm definitely going to try your recipes :) <3 The beetroot salad sounds yum!


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